Sunday, February 9, 2020

Civil and Construction Engineering, Building Studies and Fire Essay

Civil and Construction Engineering, Building Studies and Fire Engineering - Essay Example National Academy for Professional Training I would like to acknowledge National Academy for Professional Training for providing consultants to assist me in the visit to The Torch Hotel. 1.0 Introduction The topic I have chosen for my final dissertation for Civil and Construction Engineering Building Studies and Fire Engineering is a review of The Torch Hotel in The State of Qatar against the National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) Standards applicable and the standards implemented in The State of Qatar. National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) has been selected as the best practiced standard for my project due to The State of Qatar implementing NFPA as standard requirements for new buildings in The State of Qatar. The Civil Defence Department in The State of Qatar has recently adopted the NFPA standards and based on such my dissertation on The Torch Hotel will identify if the already completed and approved inspection from the Civil Defence meets the standards set forth by NFPA and any other relevant standards applied by the Civil Defence in The State of Qatar. It has been noted that although the local government Civil Defence has adopted NFPA standards for new building requirements, the equipment used by the Civil Defence is based on British Standards and European Standards. Further reviews shall take place during the dissertation on the differences for certain connection requirements on breeching inlets and hydrants. British Standard Connections are different to NFPA standard connections on hose lines. The Civil Defence Introduction The fire service in The State of Qatar is managed by the General Directorate for Civil Defence, a uniformed service organisation under the Ministry of Interior. The General Directorate for the Civil Defence was named as the â€Å"Extinguishing Police Section† during its creation in 1955. Its name was then changed to â€Å"Civil Defence Department† in 1991 and finally to its present name, General Directorate for Civil Defence in 2005. The General Directorate for Civil Defence is generally mandated by law to discharge the following: - Enforcement of Qatar Fire Safety Regulation through the conduct of review and evaluation of building plans and fire safety inspections on all buildings and/or structure prior to issuance of occupancy or renewal permits. - Respond to fire and emergency calls - Promote public fire safety awareness - Review, approval for certification of fire equipment or any other fire safety standards//requirements before they are installed or distributed in the market. 2.0 Background Code Enforcement and Inspection Procedures At present, Qatar has no Fire Code yet being enforced. The GDCD has adopted the National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) Codes and Standards to be its referenced Code/standards in the enforcement of fire safety regulations and practices in Qatar. GDCD on its part has a Fire Safety Standards to supplement the NFPA requirements. The local Fire Safety Sta ndard is somewhat generalized in its form and has deviations or modifications against some sections in the NFPA. These modifications are aimed for the purpose of making some enhancement to suit with the country’s special requirements and added safety as well. In cases where a conflict between the requirements under the NFPA Code/Standards and local fire safety standard occurs, the requirements from the latter must prevail and should be followed. Building Plan Review and Evaluation The

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